Monday Madness With Derrick Girard

Derrick Girard, out of the Turtle shell? kyle pic

Rumors of the maniac in action have been floating around message boards for minutes now. Could he be out of hibernation?
Kelly Baker sent over some pics from the skatepark benefit in his hometown of Newark VAlley, he had this to say- “dudes- we had a great time and made a bunch of money. we sold 300 chickens. made 4000 in the 50/50. had a bounce house for the kids. we had like 75 things for the auction. lots of people came. 4 bands played….” Stoked. Kelly has played a huge role in scene building for years, the kids are amped!
Random Adam ginch photos as well? Yep, and Garrett just took the dirty dog (greyhound) to Austin, for a few days of 2 wheeled adventure and good times!

Benny baker-Nick wilson memorial Skatepark fundraiser  FBM complete raffle... Community Adam Ginch! Bob, table circa 89 via the zoo... Random Burns sighting with Stew Johnson....

Originally Posted by steve