The Gypsy Trailer is posted in the Media Section, or you can peep the embedded version here in this News Blog. We will be showing a 25-30 minute version at this year’s Belmar Jam. I would show the whole thing But it’s a long one, over an hour. Each Team edited their own sections, so It came in as a full length DVD. Stoked. It’s pretty funny.
In less amazing news, I rode trails today for the first time since the beginning of July, after a dislocated finger. Never would of have guessed I would have been sidelined 25 days, but oh well. In that Time Fisher went to Atlantic City for a week to Hang out at JayZ’s 40 club, and I got Ordained, while finishing up the Gypsy vid….Enough about me, Get to the Belmar and check out the wild events that will surely go down, and don’t forget about Big Daves Ride For Life Charity ride, 100 miles on a single speed bike, he built himself. Pretty unique and awesome!

Originally Posted by steve crandall