Dave King was in town yesterday, planning the course build for the contest next week in Binghamton, Brawlin’ at the Belmar. He and Big Dave went over the site development proposal with Ed, the owner of the Belmar, while John Paul modeled the 2005 Bad as Hell collection. The schedule and waiver forms are posted, Sunday will be pro finals, Highest Air sponsored by Revenge, where the winner gets a free Booze Cruiser, and Best trick with 200 Bones put up by Ian at United. Leland is also bringing a projector in the Shitluck Veggie rig, to premier a new video they are working on called “Shitluck on the Road”, featuring all their badass riders, travelling the U.S. fueled by recycled vegetable oil, rather than gasoline. Should Be Sweet. Hotels will probably be booked up for the comp, since Cal Ripken is being inducted into the baseball hall of fame that weekend, so bring a tent if you dare, and sleep at the Belmar. Ha. Dave King and I did some speed tests with the open road, trrying to workout speed and distance for the doubles at the contest, and afterwards he tested the new prototype for the Stairmaster. I also shot a pic of Him and his new Joint setup next to the bitch dumpster. Vandals! You can also see some shit about Dave on the Transmission site, I think there is a Stew Johnson interview on there as well. Chris Hallman pics have gone up in the Hall of Fame section. Expect more of the Hallmanator soon. He Rules! Little Bun, AKA Jimmy Rathbun sent over this flyer for a Ben Pritchard Memorial event, Peep that!

Originally Posted by Steve crandall