With Brawlin at the Belmar coming up very shortly, Dave King has shown up to get the ball rolling on the course, which will include awesomeness and double heck yeah funtimes. Click on the link, a download for a waiver is now available on that page! We’ll keep you posted as that develops. Dave’s most recent handywork includes the Elevation course, and random celebrity cameo updates on Axel rad website, made by TreebO! Its probably one of the more interesting sites I have seen in a while. A unique, and mildly neckless perspective to say the least. Gilly just built some jumps near the Rock And Roll hall of fame, and got to have lunch with Fuzzy, Eddie Money, and Eddie Murphy, who are filming a movie in Cleveland, with Alice Cooper. They are all fans of Extreme sports, and dirt jumping. Gilly Says Eddie Murphy was funnier in real life than in the Nutty Professor. Cameron Wood wa snot available for comment.

Originally Posted by Cranpa