Tom Blyth Pics.

Rail Hop 360. Blyth.

What do you do when you visit America for the first time, and you have never experienced east coast summer heat and humidity? You head to Charlotte NC, and go street riding. Kenny, Tom, Lat and the crew ended up with Justin Holt of Saggin Clothing/ Carolina BMX fame, riding the spots in Nascars home town.
Shouts to Justin for cookin out and feeding the FBM gang, as well as busting out the Props catalog on VHS and bringing the smiles.
Heavy sessions with the locals, including Zak Rogers, and Billy Dexter. Good times.
Random Video from around the way with some Serious Ginch Bros action, riding 9th street in Austin Texas. Peep it.

Blyth, hard 180 media party. Kenny and Tom, with Zak Rogers. Kenny at Fun Headquarters. Latane Candothat, nice front peg slide! Gracious Host- Justin Holt, Extra Thanks. rail to Tranny, Latane. Tom Blyth- Toooothpick. AKA front peg stall. Rawtin Snortin Lenny Norton, aka Kenny Horton, 2 peg to barspin. Teah!

Originally Posted by steve crandall