When I was young, My mother inadvertently re routed my thinking, by being stoked on Robert Frost, his poem “the road less traveled” and its final verse
-Two roads diverged in a wood
And I took the one less traveled by
And that has made all the difference.
This past week I was fortunate enough to meet the guy who some say can be credited for the lifestyle and industry we all immerse ourselves in today, Bob Haro. Read more about Bob Haro and his influence in an interview Here.
I was honestly star dazzled, and speechless when I met him.
Ghetto Big Air Jam is coming together, expect fun! Heres Tibbs working on the Mini, and a loosely plied 12 foot pallet ramp!
Josh Orr had a shop called Solution in the just ride skatepark in Muncie Indiana.
Well the park shit the bed, and they had to move the shop, so it’s in a mall now. You can buy FBM in a mall, WOW. They even sold an FBM the day they opened. Stoked. Josh lived with us at the Fat House in the early nineties, shared a room with Colin Winklemann, and slept till 5pm, before shredding the backyard mini. To read more about the Fathouse, peep this article that Defgrip ran. More history…
Lastly, The catty jam has been detoured, peep the flyer and Axel NeckNuts for more… Rumor has it that Dave King and Treebo are building a hucker in some random woods, a 1 jump no chumps disasterfest!!!!

Originally Posted by Steve crandall