Since Kie Showed up in the States, I don’t think he stopped laughing or smiling yet… He’s a great kid, an amazing rider, and part of the most professional team in bmx- FBM. We asked Kie a few questions about his trip so far, this is what he had to say-
can you tell us where you are from, your age,and how long you have
been riding?
Mandurah in western australia, im currently 20 and been riding since i was 10
Being that its you first time coming to the U.S,. were you nervous?
can you explain?
i was not even thinking about the trip until a day or so before leaving, i knew that it was going to be amazing i knew i was going to make new friends and have a blast, but the day or so before i started getting real nervous not knowing anyone and wondering if things were actually going to go to plan..
How was your trip over and can you explain your arrival?
well if anyone had to sit next to a cross dressing pimp… of course that had to be me. i flew from perth to japan to texas to new york, all up i flew 27 hours or something, i was awake for 36 + hours before i went to bed, i was wrecked! my phone decided it wasnt going to work over hear, i couldnt find internet in texas to email steve. so i was really questioning if i was going to be stranded or not.. at baggage collection i waited nervously for my bike, i knew you didnt know what i looked like and I was unsure anyone was even coming at that point.. then suddenly you appeared from a crowd, a hug and intro, but then i noticed you looked like you poo’d your pants, im unsure what you sat in but it was pretty funny!
What have some of the highlights of your trip been?
well the first week in ithaca was awesome! hanging out with everyone from up there and meeting kelly baker and big job…having bbq’s and riding the trails i’d say was soo much fun! Now im staying with the corts bros and dave from FBM in bighamton, im having a blast with these guys everyday is so much fun. the Canada night was a highlight! i got to be part of johnny and mikes first time at a dance club, i’ll remember that night forever it was amazing!
Have you taken any other trips since you’ve been here?
yeah, well i count everywere as a trip for me. mike, john, joel and i all went to Buffalo this weekend an rode street then headed over to Canada for the night, it was soo much fun, i could go on for ages about it. its a mini vegas to me haha. hopefully we’re going to try go back again before i have to leave.. it was weird how we got in but almost couldnt get out of the country! it was fun though!
seen any wild shit?
its america, theres wild shit everywere! if thats not enough I’m in binghamton ‘home of the weirdo’
ive seen almost every weirdo on the list, including cowbow man the other day.. all thats left is plastic man and the bearded lady, but I know were she hangs out!
who have you met, and how has it been?
well I’ve met all the dudes behind FBM which was awesome! everyone here is so nice and its cool to meet the guys who make the company!
I’ve met a bunch of cool riders and locals who have all been so nice! im going to keep in touch with a bunch of people.
any comments?
thanks to the FBM guys for helping make this trip happen and letting me stay with you guys, im having the time of my life!
section 1 kie from howhardisit on Vimeo.

Originally Posted by JJ Mcclure