Rawtin Snortin Kenny Horton!

Kenny In Newport News- Justin Weidell pics

Kenny Horton shot some pics at a local park in Bad news. Justin “J-nice” Weidell shot the pics and sent them over. J-nice was his breakdancin crew name When he was a part of The ” Greenvillians” break dance crew with Shea Nyquist a few years ago. They were Runners up on VH1s Dance something or other.
Flyin Brian Iarocci visited FBM recently, and built up a sweet Exodus ST frame, in preparation for the sequel section he is filming for Seek and Destroy/ Trailblazin 2. John Lee was overheard singing “I feel good” by James Brown, when he heard about the project.
In other news, Joey J., Cottle and the boys are having a jamboree this weekend, should be interesting, as they are totally insane. Check it out if you are in the area,Leonard Foster will be signing autographs!

Brian Iarocci? Terra pix Long Island Legend on an Exodus Brians new build! Joey J from FLA. see him burn the love boat this weekend!!!? Casselberry!

Originally Posted by Steve