It’s all happening at the zoo…

New supertherm frames

The 09 SuperTherm FBM Frames are posted in the products sectionof the site. Check it out for current specs and new weights.
Jeff Allen was at posh the day mikey got hurt, he decided to do more than just wish him well, he’s throwing a fundraiser at the Haven skatepark next month… Jeff has been around the east coast trails scene for 20 years, It’s awesome to see him still kicking in and doing something this positive and helpful. Lots of people stepping up to help a fellow BMXer, stoked.
Leland is hosting another Halloween Shitluck jam, he also has a new website up…

More Garret Pics.. by Mike P Geoff Ghetto blasting over a sea of weirdos Jeff Allen doing some good. Leland sent this... leland also sent this -it read JP designed retro exodus stickers look sweet!

Originally Posted by steve crandall