Crazy Town

We got serial number plates in today that will be going on the custom frames from here on out. Who's going to be lucky #0001?

Today was a busy day here at the FBM Headquarters in Johnson City, NY. Frames were coming in from paint, frames were being welded, boxes were packed, the UPS guy picked some stuff up, normal action. All while people were being shot and killed a ways down the road by a guy from Johnson City, surreal.

Next week we are finally launching our extensive custom frame building program. The last piece of the puzzle is me taking photos of all the options, there are somewhere between 20 and 2,000 available options, it’s going to take a while to shoot. Luckily, we have a real backdrop finally set-up. Be safe out there this weekend.

It’s a pretty somber day for the citizens of Binghamton, a lunatic gunman killed a bunch of people downtown. It was a couple miles from where we are, but my apartment is a few blocks from where the shootings happened.

The custom frame with the hooded drops came back from paint, flat black. John Lee's Stove Pipe Jump Off2, Trans Red. El Guapo not included in price of frames. Lots of custom mods in this area of the Jump Off2. Metal, metal, and more metal. Texting hard, or hardly texting? Johnny Corts takes some time from texting and long shits to do some welding. My ghetto studio set up.

Originally Posted by JPR