Bikes Built in NY….

John Corts welding on Some FBM Howler's...

Here are a few pics of the Machine shop crew making some of the New 08 FBM Joints, Howlers, and Aaron Ross Pro Model Mastr Blastr’s. THe guys have been hitting it heavy and hard with Kix, Damn Yankee’s, Great white, and the Crocodile Dundee soundtrack on rotation, while guzzling Steven Seagal Energy drinks, which have been described as tasting like wet moldy hay. Word to that. That’s Wassup! Stew Johnson and Props have been Auctioning off bikes to help the Stephen Murray Fund, stew’s Custom FBM is up for bid on Ebay now. Pretty Amazing how the BMX community has come together for a good cause. In other News, Mike tag was spotted in Ithaca NY, deinking coffee and cranking out Manuals, inbetween editing a section for Shitluck for an upcoming The Come Up DVD. Also a reminder that we are doing an 07 frame sale with free chopper forks on the online store. Holla!

Mike Corts Going Nuts on some Tubing... Dylan Cole inspecting some John Corts welds.... Fuel for the machine Shop Stew Johnson's custom FBM, Etnies Ghost rider.... Mike Tag sighting- Ithaca NY.

Originally Posted by Steve crandall