Tuesday newsfest!

John Dye of Bicycle Union sent this pic of the Infamous “Cong” riding at the Spot in London. Cong has been rocking FBM in the UK since the getgo, awesome dude, amazing rider, Stoked! A gaggle of non English speaking frenchies showed up at FBM yesterday, hoping to Ride East Coast terminal, unbeknownst to them it is no longer running, so we took them to the trails, and they were pumped. Awesome folks, great riders, it was a ton of fun. Sweet Baby Tarbell sent this pic of John Tillman, aka- CHUNK, tire sliding at the sayreville park from the weekend. BF showed up. Chunk wet himself. Any Fans of Aaron Ross can check out the new Props Commercial by clicking this Link. Aaron is awesome! random Pic sent from Ian Morris that he shot this past weekend at the Murray Jam over in the UK. Word up to Tom Tom.

Originally Posted by Crandialer

Tuesday newsfest!

Tony Hamlin pics from X Dreams courtesy of Kyle Opitz. They have been building some new stuff, and Tony, along with Twins, jay Roe and Grenade, have been sessioning the place pretty heavy. Aaron Ross is down in Tx, riding and generally chilling. Chilling rhymes with Todd Killings, so grab a fork. Lil Billy Ashby is rumored to be crawling back into daylight after ashort stint in a cave somewhere in Louisville. He’s been riding a bunch, and according to Leland, pretty Damn Funny as well. Another Louisville Native, Brian Osbourne, shown here with the craziest man in bmx, Mike McHue, will be helping FBM throw a contest that will be announced in the very near future. Brien Kielb, out in Albany NY, is one sweet dude, he is throwing a contest on Feb. 17. Check that out, Jeff harrington will be autographing Franken breakers, and doing 10 foot airs out of a 4 foot quarterpipe with a duck helmet, as a feature of the event. Random Mike Mchue story- When Tag, Gilly, Stew Johnson and I, all lived in the Fat house in Ft. Wayne Indiana, it was sort of a hub in the BMX scene for that point in time, we lived in a huge party house with a mini in the back yard, a grindledge in the front, and killerset of trails down the street. Summertime was like a club med flophouse, tons of riders passing through, having a good time. One time, it wasn’t even summer, Mike Mchue and his crew come visit from Toledo. they would come from time to time, and it would always be a wild adventure, half the dudes that came didn’t even ride, they were just hellchildren. Mchue worked at Reggies bike shop,and would sponsor us with Parts, like slam bars, pitch forks, Tires, rednecks, it was awesome Anyway this one time Mike shows up kind of late, they come storming in, with wigs, shades, and metallic athletic jumpsuits, I think mikes was silver, he was holding a stuffed armadillo, and his buddy Glenn, had a gymnastics springboard, which ends up smack dab in the center of the living room, in which Mike does a front flip off of, right onto the Armadillo. It exploded, as did the turtle which was in tow. the House was peppered in woodchips and taxidermy stuffing. That was his entrance, and that was Mike McHue. I love that guy.

Originally Posted by Steve crandall