FBM Bitchin Camaro Frame v1

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Frame Options
ColorsBlack, Trans Blue
Top Tube Lengths20.5″, 21.25″
Frame Geometry
Head Tube Angle74 degrees
Bottom Bracket Height11.75″
Seat Tube Angle71 degrees
Standover Height
Rear End Length14.5″ at

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Bitchin Camaro

Hey! This is liz beckman (yes- tom beckman’s sister, as most ppl refer 2 me) & I just wanna show off the <3 of my life, my #1, my baby 🙂 Ive got a red bitchen camaro for racing & I knew it was “the one” since the first time…

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Jonathon Weber

My name is Jonathon Weber and I’m from Florence MA. Here’s my Bitchin’ Camaro! Thanks Originally Posted by steve crandall…

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JR minter

Out of Richmond, VA recently relocated to Jacksonville, Florida. This is my Bitchin’ Camaro I purchased a few months ago. I believe this is one of the first frames, no serial number or anything. Dialed geometry, fast as hell, manuals amazing, love the bike. Been getting compliments at all of…

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