Halafam RULEZ!

One of my personal highlights within my years of FBM has been to share some of that with the Halahan Family, as they some how echoed back all the best parts of BMX, family, and positive energy good time stoke!
To be fortunate enough to loiter in skateparks, empty pools, DIY spots, some of the most enchanted woods in Pa. and beyond, everyone of them, through their actions and attitude reminded all of us about the FUNdamentals or our community and lifestyle. Pure unadulterated fun, and Bicycle Moto Cross!
Moving forward, look for the crew repping the shield, but make no mistake, they are FBM through and through, Thank you Mike, Jenn, Lukas, Nathan, Shane and KACI, we love you guys and are better people for getting to go along for some of the ride with Yinz! – Steve/FBM