Here are a few pics from Bryan Babbel of The Secret BMX shop in Temecula California, with a dialed new build up of the Wormz frame, people seemed stoked on it, which is awesome! They Look great!
Garret Ginch also sent over a pic of him dirt pile jumping at Muzzys out by St. Louis, you can also see more at Orchid’s website, they sponsor Garrett and Adam and put shoes on their feets!
Eric Hennessey is headed south in his Magic Bus, peep His Site for updates, and check out the Circuit BMX site to see pics of Henny Sleeper, and Holeshot Nic getting NICE! at the BMX Olympics they held…
FBM LEgend, and Belmar Dirt Sculptor, Dave King Built a sweet course this past weekend in Allentown for Accelerate the Movie, peep the Least Most for some pics of BF and more!
If you forgot for a second how Radical Kie Ashworth is, check this video out again!

Originally Posted by steve crandall