The FBM crew went to the Dew Tour in Ocean City Maryland this past weekend, to have a meeting with the Dew Tour Organizers, about showing The Post Apocolympics on primetime television. The meeting went great, we had fresh donuts, cold beer, and they put us up in a 12 star hotel, called the Alamo, with a guy named Larry.
After the meeting we witnessed DMC win the peoples choice award for Vert, saw Jamie Bestwick make fun of a cop for being Ginger, Talked to Scotty Cranmer and his family about gambling, Had a power Lunch with Cory Muth and Dave Friemuth, Did an autograph signing in the Mongoloose booth with Lil Wayne, and we all bought neon tank tops that read- “Oh So Shitty in Marlyland!”
Richard Kelly was unavailable for Comment!
Do the Dew!