It’s fridy and “pep talk” by the Descendents is rocking at the offices. Its also unofficially Bike shop shout out friday. Three Bike shops earn this weeks shout outs, the First is Mac 5 in Rochester ny, Chris, shown with Derrick Girard, helped bring FBM to victory by outfitting Derrick with a helmet and neckbrace, and his shop and his gang are long time supporters of FBM, His Buddy Greg Francis sent the pics over. Look how stoked Mike Hamlin is with Leland. The second shop is Fat Traxx in Massachusets, Mike and teh gang up there are Kick ass, also in case with Derrick, he put together a brand new NIL-8 Heat Treated Deployer, and they set him up with some Comp 3’s and a nice oddysey seat amongst other parts so he now has a dialed setup. Thanks guys. Lastly Van Homan is openeing a shop called Two By Four which is having a grand opening soon. Van is a good friend and we wish him the best of luck. In other news, Cameron Wood loves having fun, and the first 3 people to show up at the Pipe Bomb/ Japanther show, get free Dinner at Flo’s Clam Shack Courtesy Of Deuce, Jimmy Mac, and DMC. Peep Bike And Destroy for a Nothwest perspective of the Demo derby, Dustin and his crew were out, and they seem like a pretty cool bunch of dudes, word to booty….

Originally Posted by Steve Crandall