In today’s fast moving world of lightweight, drilled out, limited edition color, quadruple secret sweet talked bmx bike technology, it’s hard to believe that just a few years ago, Phil Wasson was blasting Inverts like the one in today’s post, at a sketchy skatepark, on a 7 pound night train. When that bike came out, it was FBM’s “trail” frame, and about 1 pound lighter than it’s predecessor, the Angel of Death, who at one point was more than 8 pounds. Anyrate, Phil’s friend Doug sent over the pic, and it’s cool looking. Thanks Dude. In response to 8 pound frames, and Jester hats, we are now prototyping “anonymous comment cards” for blogging and message board enthusiasts, these cards are lightweight and guaranteed to make riding sessions, and riding scenes 12% awesomer. Bobby Parker, of Rochester, Via Iowa City, sent over a couple pics from the Oswego Dirt Jumping party this past weekend. Sweet… In other news, …- Anthem!

Originally Posted by steve crandall