The Rumors are true…

The rumors of my disappearance were true, after the flight home from ratty fest, I missed my connection flight and ended up in Cincinapolis, Pensyltuckyfornia, on an unexpected detour which had me at the Pop and Lock Death Battle, and in a meeting with the Olympic comittee about working on an FBM Ramen Noodle Championship for the 2009 Olympics. I Did check out some Artists, and a Big Bike shop, as well as witness Derrick Girards SIgnature Automobile. I ran into a couple sixers of HELL BEER, which was kick ass, and just at that Moment, I received a smioke signal from big Dave with these pics attached, of Warlord John Corts, and his chicken wing challenge. Half way thru the battle, he started brandishing warpaint, and chanting for a rainstorm, but was cut shy at 40 pieces. Next up Is John Lee and the Mint Ting a ling Challenge at Kennedy’s, quantity yet to be discussed. Trail digging season is upon us, here is a pic of what it looks like digging at Bakers acres, hopefully John, Cruzer, hancock have it a little easier, with the only rock at their Jumps being captain Fun himself, John Tillman. Now Playing- Howlin Wolf- “do the do”

Originally Posted by Steve Crandall