Ryan Corrigan wins the X Games!

Ryan Corrigan at the X games...

Congrats to Ryan Corrigan, for winning this years X games, here is what He had to say-
“21 days of str8 work then i won supper park. lifes good”
Ryan went from riding and building the shittiest/best ramps in Arkansas, to working 21 straight days in Los Angeles, building ramps for todays most aggressive and competitive athletes. THen there is Gilly, from growing up building jumps, and hanging out in the woods in Pa., to playing cards with the likes of Ben Snowden, and Ali Whitton, in the VIP section of Cleveland’s Dew Tour extravaganza. Weird. Dean Hearne was not available for comment, But Christian Hewitt of Va. Beach went apeshit, did a kegstand at the trails, and proceeded freestyle rap about how awesome Jimmy levan is.

Hallman, riding the ramps RC grew up riding, At Tony's in Pine Bluff. RC pic (bottle Jacks in next years xgames) RC old full pipe carve Arkansas wallride.... Ben Snowden? Is gilly playing cards with Ben Snowden and Alister whitton? Jeremy Dean Hearne, pre garlic sauce. Christian, Get Loose crew, Va. Beach...

Originally Posted by Steve crandall