Excellent Adventures

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When I was younger, not much younger than I am now, like maybe 17 or so, some of my favorite parts of what I was learning about BMX, were from a few screwball weirdo daredevils, that managed to blend the silliest ideas, with the youthful badassery of bike riding, and make people smile. The fellows that did 2b homecooked, Hal Brindley, and Steve Buddendeck, and their golden goose vert pro, Leigh Ramsdell, made zines, threw events, and offered defining imagery for bike dorks, that stoked an entire generation.
I looked up to these young men, and did my best to follow their lead. Now we are all old. and still dorks.
I’ve always been proud of the BMX roots my friends and I shared, and even more proud to have been lucky enough to become friends with many of the riders, and artists we all drew influence from, and in that I am reallyhappy to see Hal and Leigh stoke the fire again!
Check out Hal and Leigh’s Kickstarter for Olds Cool BMX where you can vote for shirts to be resurrected from the past… If you make a donation, you get something in return, ( kind of like pre booking you know?) but what you really get is the satisfaction from helping bring back back to life, and idea often missing from modern BMX culture, good old fashioned self deprecating humor, and stupid drawings!


