Random pics, bad news, etc…

Chris Hallman Shredfest Part Duex. Hallman sent this pic shot by a dude named Brandon over, and also mentioned that the Cradle ic on the previous update was shot by his friend Rick Crossman, who has met Jimmy Chow and derek Girard before, and is reportedley a sweet dude. Skier J, at Merit Compatibles often sends us killer pics of Killa Cam, seen on this website, and aske dme a few questions for a mini interview on his site, peep that if you want… Bad news comes all to often, as many ma have heard, Stephen Murray was hurt at the Baltimore Comp this weekend, and is likely Paralyzed as a result, from the waist down, and possibly worse. Stephen is a great rider, and has been a friend of ours for years, and we wish him and his family the best. You can learn more, and help show support at Fatbmx and Bmxonline. Get well bud….

Originally Posted by steve crandall