More Dirt jumping?

First off, congrats to Scott Towne of Deliverance, he and his wife had a baby boy this morning. Here are a couple of pics of Kelly Baker and his Family, at his trails, known worldwide as “Bakers Acres”. I have been riding with KB for almost 20 years now, I am pretty stoked to be able to call him my friend for so long. Here are some Kelly Baker Facts- He has been riding BMX since the seventies. He is now 40 years old. He has a wife, 3 kids, a full time job, a home, several acres with private trails, is personally responsibe for starting a skatepark project in his hometown, and still makes time to build and Ride Trails, ride skateparks, street, race bmx with his sons, anything he get get his wheels on. In the past few years,he has had back surgery twice, as well as several other injuries, adding to his collection. My point is, out of all the excuses i have heard from people over the years, why they can’t do something, or how the scene sucks where they live, or what have you, I now think of this guy. Kelly Baker mows right over excuses, and has made life interesting, and fun, for himself, and everyone around him. He almost beet a kid up once who said he had to quit riding because he broke his jaw once. Any rate, if more riders were as dedicated, committed, creative, tough, and just plain crazy like this guy, the world would not be worse than it is now. He defines the term “Lifer” for BMX.

Originally Posted by Steve crandall