New Crown Royals are in, and in Red and Gold, these badboys are HOTTT, with 4 t’s. New T-shirts are in as well, heres some of them, i’ll post real pics of them soon.Aaron Ross update, He is an APE! Pics stolen from dirt old dev dog In case you haven’t seen the news, or are not in the Susquehanna valley, the place is flooded, bad, Roads are closed, houses are floating away, and people are being evacuated. Big Dave did not evacuate, he bought some water wings and a snorkel and welded bikes all day with an umbrella hat on. Opie is doing a feeble gring in the one picture, you can see him in the new Team Major air video, available through Last Call. Its a whopper.In other news Duffs has a BMX site up now. Brian Osbourne is stoked. Andrew Forgash Who used to flood bathrooms at partys and bars, by ripping out the toilets, has a photography website up, and its Awesome, so peep that. More news later….

Originally Posted by Crandialer