
After a winter filled with such antics as falling off of a 25 ft. roof, crashing a snowmobile at 110 mph, and lighting Nutter on fire, Derrick Girard is lucky to be able to see his new pro model frame. Check it out on the new products section, it’s a…

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After spending a week on the road with OG FBM gangsters. Mike Tag, and Steve Crandall, filming for an upcoming FBM Video, Cameron Wood went home to Utah to chill with Fuzzy, Elf, Berringer and the rest of the Utah Cobras. This past weekend in Utah was the 50/50 Layton…

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Lief Valin is throwing down a Flat Jam at the Subdivision Trade Show, it will be indoors, and there will be prizes and whatnot. No word on whether or not Brett Marshal will be there though. Congrats to Arknasas’ Jud Ferguson, of Ferguson’s Skatepark, he got married this weekend, Jud…

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Brett Marshal came to FBM today and chilled with Big Dave and Curtis. Dave is pumped on Brett. While that was going down, more details for the Subdivision comp were being sorted. East Coast Terminal is dialing in the park, and in the picture below, you can see the perch…

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Well our trip to the midwest was fun, and we’ll have some pics posted this week. Cameron Wood from Utah was with us, and he aped it hard all week. Upon returning to NY, a bunch of us met up for the first time this year at Bakers Acres. FBM…

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