
Evan Venditti, by the artist!

Carlos Santori is the Official, un-official FBM Tour Guide in Purto Rico, He’s a real Nice Guy and makes Cool Tie Dye Shirts with CHEEEEZ on them.
Carlos’ current duties include showing Evan Venditti around the island, for good times, adventure, shaved ICE AND RUM, and much more!
Evan V. is FBM’s Official, un-official good times navigator, thill seeker extraordinaire, and travel maniac, and he is currently in the PR. He is quietly scouting the jungles and beaches for like minded jedi’s of anti mediocrity to inspire more laughs and waves to ride…
Keep tuned as more details unfurl.

carlos and E...

Aventuras en Puerto Rico from Least Most on Vimeo.

Holladay the puertorican black chicken!


Erik Holladay as Ric Flair!