What’s going on around here?

Jason Anderson Boost, Evan pogo. Here For Kicks ramp, less is more!

If you wanna smile on your bike, you don’t need a mega ramp skatepark, the ultimate street spot, or the best trails in the world… All you need is an imagination, and good attitude. Anything is possible. You don’t need a sponsor to film a web edit, or shoot cool looking pics of people getting rad, and you don’t need a reason to throw a jam at your local spot, just get the stoke boosted. I challenge everyone out there to throw a BMX party for you and all your friends, and tell me it doesn’t make people that much more into it!
There are a few jams this weekend, and more coming up, I think it’s awesome, and even radder that people are passing the hat for our sick friend, and FBM rider Mike Tag!
Let’s get AWESOME!

The smile is genuine, thats what makes this photo so awesome! Evan V.