Crazy people!

Mike tag- Derrick Girard! Crazy people!

Unsolicited, pointless blog entry? Maybe…Just wanted to mention that Its all the crazy people that make life interesting… and it’s crazy how supportive the BMX community has been regarding Mike Tag, his condition, and how many Jams, parties, art shows, and what not people have thrown to kick in for the cause….
For no reason, but as a reminder, of what FBM is, something built by a community, and largely with Mike tag’s involvement, I am posting “I love My Biycle ” By Joe Stakun (that dude is extra crazy!)
…and on behalf of Mike and every on eat FBM thanks again for helping out!


Derrick Girard!

Gilly and GG spotted at Volt bmx in the UK?

John Tillman, rocky mountain high as a giraffes ass.

Kelly baker invented crazy!

Chris Hallman, the dude! Live crazy!

Kelly Baker as seen by Chris Hallman!

Magilla Cruddy!

Ruel Smith?

Ryan Corrigan approves of Eagle Claw!

Drop in, drop out, drop acid?

have you seen him?