Mickey Monday, and more…

Mickey- Boost!

Mickey’s brother Adam showed up to ride with him, at the Orchid party a couple weeks ago. Brent and Brian Patterson, Kelly and Kim Baker, Alan and Brian Foster,Garret and Adam Guilliams, and the Marshall boys, there are a lot of Brothers in BMX that shred. Just sayin….
The team was so stoked on Mickey’s Dig cover, That Joel celebrated with a bad haircut, and Kenny bought a pack of smokes. Ginch Bros. were annihilating karaoke at a waffle house, and were unavailable for comment. Wormz hasn’t seen a magazine in 3 years….
In other news, Bike riding is fun, go enjoy some ‘get rad’s’.

BMX Bros.! Mickey Boost at Orchid. Joel Barnett! Smoking is addictive. Mickey and his trophy. Eff YA!

Originally Posted by Steve Crandall