The Devil’s right hand!

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Mike Hernandez.

When I realized that this project was gonna take on a life of its own and be a video with multiple parts I knew mike was gonna have the last one. We hadn’t even filmed a single clip yet but my head was already there. And if you asked anyone in Santa Cruz I think that would make perfect sense. Mike exerts more gravity on the bmx scene here than anybody, everybody loves watching him ride and I knew he’d be the crowd favorite if we premiered it. When I asked Mike what song he wanted to use he told me “Devil’s Right Hand”. We were using the Johnny Cash version, it just sounds right, it’s twangy, growling and timeless. But I had forgotten that Cash even covered it cause the version I knew was the Steve Earle original. And that’s fucking perfect. I’ll spare you any kind of grandiose equivalency here but from what little I know there is a pairing that feels right. I was reading a Steve Earle interview the other day and this might as well have come out of Mikes mouth: “What’s important is you wake up in the morning and something doesn’t exist, and when you finish you day’s work something is in the world that wasn’t there before. There’s a lot of ways to arrive at that, but the world’s a better place for it. I’m absolutely, totally certain of that. I have no doubt in mind that I justify the space I take up in the world.”- Jackson Allen

Notes from the field- Mike Hernandez from FBM BMX on Vimeo.