Toby Forte, bad as Heck!

Two hander in the United Kingdom

After a serious head injury, that kept Toby Forte off his bike for about a year, he is back, and loving it. FBM/4down shredder, and 1/3 of the infamous Forte Clan, Toby is one bad Mammajamma. Stoked on being Stoked. BMX Online has a Q and A up about the current FBM team, peep it. If you are anywhere near Richmond Virginia this weekend, check out Cycleslaughterama, organized in part by Evan Venditti, and Recycles bike shop, and the Cut throats…. Its a punk rock bicycle festival, Bowl jam, and much more… see you there….!

Toby- Livin it! Toby juan Kenobi! Evan Venditti, basement schralp session! Evan at the bowl in the Bike lot- Richmond Va! The bike lot! Toby...

Originally Posted by Steve crandall