Kenny Horton- Steady Rollin


Tioga helps out the FBM crew, to keep them Rollin, and they make kickass tires, which a lot of the dudes use for ripping pools, ramps, streets and trails… Here is the new Kenny Horton – ‘Steady Rollin’ ad featured in the new Albion as well as a gang of videos produced by Tioga, it’s all pretty badass!

Check it out!

Steady Rollin With Kenny Horton from TiogaBMX on Vimeo.

Steady Rollin- Trail Edit from TiogaBMX on Vimeo.

Steady Rollin – Neil Hise Clip from TiogaBMX on Vimeo.

Steady Rollin Trails Redux from TiogaBMX on Vimeo.

Steady Rollin – Jordan Dwan from TiogaBMX on Vimeo.

Steady Rollin -Puerto Rico from TiogaBMX on Vimeo.



